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The 5 Awesome Benefits From The Indian Gooseberry

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The 5 Awesome Benefits You Can Get From The Indian Gooseberry (Phyllanthus Emblica)

You might have noticed that we’re doing a series on the ingredients found in the LE’VEA skin care products. We started with Green Tea. We recently talked about Aloe Vera. And now we’re down to Indian Gooseberry.

The reason why we’re doing this is we want you to become informed consumers, knowing the components you’ll find in the products you buy from us and what they can specifically do for your skin.


GooseBarry Benefit in Skincare


And so, without further ado, below are the five awesome benefits you’ll get from Phyllanthus Emblica, locally known as Indian Gooseberry, one of the ingredients you’ll find in our LE’VEA C+ Antioxidant Wrinkle Reduction Serum.

Getting To Know The Indian Gooseberry

Indian Gooseberries are locally known in India as Amla. Light green-hued and taste very sour when eaten, these fruits are considered sacred in the country and have been used in Ayurvedic medicine for overall wellbeing as well as to treat certain kinds of illnesses. Skin-wise, Amla is believed to fight off skin aging, brighten the skin, treat both dry and oily skin, reduce the size of our skin’s pores, and cleanse the skin from impurities to avoid breakouts. Let’s tackle these points one by one.

  1. Skin Aging

Indian Gooseberry has high vitamin C content and universally, this said nutrient is vital when it comes to skin health. Accordingly, the antioxidant properties of the said vitamin are crucial to collagen formation, collagen being the skin’s building blocks.

Additionally, some studies reveal that the fruit might have the ability to regulate the skin’s melanin production, thus, reducing age spots, preventing photoaging or premature skin aging, as well as other skin damages caused by the sun’s UV rays.

  1. Skin Brightening

Aside from vitamin C, the Indian Gooseberry also contains a myriad of tannins and amino acids giving it its astringent properties. These are responsible for removing skin toxins, dirt, grime, thus, brightening the skin.

  1. Dry And Oily Skin Treatment

Amla can treat both dry and oily skin. How’s that? One of the abilities of vitamin C is it helps the skin to retain its natural moisture, giving it a more dewy glow. On the other hand, its astringent properties stop the skin from excessive oil and fluid production, therefore, thwarting germs or dirt from clogging the pores. As a result, acne and pimple breakouts are prevented.

  1. Skin Pore Reduction

The Phyllanthus Emblica is also capable of shrinking enlarged pores and its vitamin C content stimulates the skin to produce more collagen. As a result, the epidermis’ firmness is restored.

  1. Skin Cleansing

Aside from efficiently removing dirt and grime, the Indian Gooseberry’s tannins and amino acids also break down our old, tired facial skin and strip off dead skin cell buildup to reveal the newer skin underneath. Additionally, its antibacterial properties make sure that bacteria don’t burrow into the pores which, in time, turn into pimples, unsightly blackheads/whiteheads, and spots.

Simply put, the nutrients and properties contained in the Indian Gooseberry make the skin firmer, smoother and brighter.

Traditional Indian medicine recommends the use of Indian Gooseberry powder to reap the fruit’s awesome skin benefits. But for most of us who don’t have the access, time or knowledge to this said product, the better alternative is to make use of a beauty potion that contains extracts from the fruit like LE’VEA’s C+ Antioxidant Wrinkle Reduction Serum. Use the serum twice daily (in the morning and evening) along with other LE’VEA products to get optimum results.




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